Coupled Ag nanocrystal-based transparent mesh electrodes for transparent and flexible electro-magnetic interference shielding films
Coupled Ag nanocrystal-based transparent mesh electrodes for transparent and flexible electro-magnetic interference shielding films
- 주제(키워드) Transparent Ag mesh EM shield Ligand exchange Nanocrystal coupling Flexible electrode
- 발행기관 한국물리학회
- 발행년도 2019
- 총서유형 Journal
- KCI ID ART002433768
- 본문언어 영어
In this study, we developed a fabrication method of conductive and transparent Ag mesh electrodes on flexible polymer film at temperatures lower than 100 °C. Random patterned Ag mesh film was fabricated on a flexible PET substrate over 15×15 cm2 by a self-assembly process. It became conductive by a coupling process at low temperatures. The coupled Ag mesh film showed more than 88% transmittance in visible wavelength and less than 8.2 Ω sq−1 in sheet resistance with figure of merit (FoM) value of 350. This transparent flexible EMI shield film fabricated with a coupled Ag mesh pattern showed high EM shielding effectiveness of−23 dB at 1.5–10 GHz frequency with a high transparency of 88%.