Properties of a rare earth free L10-FeNi hard magnet developed through annealing of FeNiPC amorphous ribbons
Properties of a rare earth free L10-FeNi hard magnet developed through annealing of FeNiPC amorphous ribbons
- 주제(키워드) Hard magnet L10-FeNi phase Amorphous alloy Crystallization temperature Order-disorder temperature Superlattice
- 발행기관 한국물리학회
- 발행년도 2019
- 총서유형 Journal
- KCI ID ART002466935
- 본문언어 영어
The rare-earth-free hard magnetic L10-FeNi phase found in cosmic meteorites demonstrates potential as a nextgeneration permanent magnet. However, it is very difficult to artificially produce the L10-FeNi phase due to the low atomic diffusion coefficients of Fe and Ni near the order-disorder transition temperature (∼320 °C). Therefore, FeNiPC amorphous alloy systems exhibiting crystallization temperature (Tx) near the transition temperature were investigated. The amorphous alloys were annealed at Tx, resulting in high atomic diffusion. The structural and microstructural characterizations of annealed ribbons revealed the formation of L10-FeNi phase through observation of the superlattice peak. The magnetic property, such as coercivity (Hc), also indicated the formation of L10-FeNi phase, because the maximum Hc value is 641 Oe after the annealing process.