Effect of surface hydrogenation on the topological properties of multilayer graphene
Effect of surface hydrogenation on the topological properties of multilayer graphene
- 주제(키워드) Topological phase Surface hydrogenation Multilayer graphene Quantum valley Hall effect
- 발행기관 한국물리학회
- 발행년도 2019
- 총서유형 Journal
- KCI ID ART002437750
- 본문언어 영어
We have investigated effects of surface hydrogenation on the topological properties of multilayer graphene by using density functional theory calculations and a tight-binding model. Hydrogen adsorption on a dimer site of a surface layer decouples the surface layer from the rest of the layers. Hydrogen adsorption on a nondimer site introduces a band mixing between the hydrogenated graphene and the rest of the graphene layers. The valley Hall effects and spin-valley-resolved Chern numbers of multilayer graphene, calculated as a function of the sublattice potential and the potential perpendicular to the layers, was found to be sensitive to details of inversion symmetry-breaking potentials. While the topological invariant depends on the adsorption site and spin polarization, surface-hydrogenated M-layer graphene was found to be topologically equivalent to (M-1)-layer graphene under inversion symmetry-breaking potentials regardless of the adsorption site.