Fabrication of substrate-free double-side emitting flexible device based on silver nanowire-polymer composite electrode
Fabrication of substrate-free double-side emitting flexible device based on silver nanowire-polymer composite electrode
- 주제(키워드) Silver nanowire Alternating current electroluminescence Transparent electrode Composite Flexible lighting
- 발행기관 한국물리학회
- 발행년도 2017
- 총서유형 Journal
- UCI G704-001115.2017.17.1.001
- KCI ID ART002192485
- 본문언어 영어
Flexible light emitting diodes are a promising component for future electronic devices, but require a simple structure and fast fabrication method. Organic light emitting diodes are a viable option as they are lightweight, thin, and flexible. However, they currently have costly fabrication procedures, complicated structures, and are sensitive to water and oxygen, which hinder widespread application. Here, we present a novel approach to fabricate flexible light emitting devices by employing Ag nanowire/polymer composite electrodes and ZnS phosphor particles. The composite electrode was fabricated using inverted layer processing, and used as both a bottom electrode and a dielectric layer. The high mechanical stability of the composite allowed the device to be free standing and mechanically flexible, eliminating the need for any additional support. Using Ag nanowires in both the top and bottom electrodes made a doublesided light emitting device that could be applied to wearable lightings or flexible digital signages.