검색 상세

Fast current-induced motion of a transverse domain wall induced by interfacial DzyaloshinskiieMoriya interaction

Fast current-induced motion of a transverse domain wall induced by interfacial DzyaloshinskiieMoriya interaction


Based on a theoretical study, we show that the interfacial DzyaloshinskiieMoriya interaction results in very efficient current-induced Based on a theoretical study, we show that the interfacial DzyaloshinskiieMoriya interaction results in very efficient current-induced manipulation of a transverse domain wall in magnetic nanowires. The efficient domain wall motion is caused by combined effects of the domain wall distortion induced by the interfacial DzyaloshinskiieMoriya interaction and the damping-like spineorbit spin transfer torque. We find that with reasonable parameters, the domain wall velocity reaches a few hundreds m/s at the current density of 107 A/cm2, which has never been achieved before. Our result will be beneficial for lowpower operation of domain wall devices.
