Hydrogen shallow donors in Co-doped ZnO showing room-temperature ferromagnetism
Hydrogen shallow donors in Co-doped ZnO showing room-temperature ferromagnetism
- 주제(키워드) ZnCoO , Solegel processing H-induced room-temperature , ferromagnetism , Electron paramagnetic resonance
- 발행기관 한국물리학회
- 발행년도 2014
- 총서유형 Journal
- UCI G704-001115.2014.14.2.012
- KCI ID ART001850736
- 본문언어 영어
Room-temperature ferromagnetism has been identified in solegel-prepared Co-doped ZnO (ZnCoO), hydrogen being incorporated by a linear polymer polyvinyl pyrrolidone. The magnetic order was investigated by the X-ray photoemission and magnetization measurements in view of the interstitial hydrogen being coupled with Co2þ. The electron paramagnetic resonance measurements revealed that hydrogens not contributing to the magnetic order occupy the shallow donor levels in the hydrogenated ZnCoO system.