高山九曲에 나타난 栗谷의 景觀觀 : Yulgok(栗谷)'s View of Ideal Landscape Depicted in Gosangugok(高山九曲)
Yulgok(栗谷)'s View of Ideal Landscape Depicted in Gosangugok(高山九曲)
- 주제(키워드) Yulgok , Gosangugok , Neo-Confucian Scholar , View of Ideal Landscape , Yulgok , Gosangugok , Neo-Confucian Scholar , View of Ideal Landscape
- 발행기관 한국전통조경학회
- 발행년도 2005
- 총서유형 Journal
- UCI G704-000555.2005.영문.3.015
- KCI ID ART000984520
This research was carried out to see a great Korean Neo-Confucian scholar in Joseon Dynasty, Yulgok's view of ideal landscape through the poems, Gosangugok and pictures, Gosangugokdo. Gosangugok locates in Haeju, Hwanghae-do in Northern Korea where Yulgok(1536~1584) retreated to study and teach his followers in the ideal landscape. Yulgok respected a great Chinese Confucianism scholar, Zhu Xi(1130~1200) who settled down near the Gugok(nine bends) of the river near Wuyishan mountain in Chungan County, Fujian, China and built a humble hut, Wuyi jingshe to study and teach his followers, and he longed for Zhu Xi's living and followed it.Evidences of Yulgok's ideal livings were well depicted in the poems, Gosangugok and pictures, Gosangugokdo. He selected the places where he dreamed as an ideal and gave the name to each bend to express his view of world. In the interpreting of landscape, he tried to connect himself as an element of nature through reflecting of his mind to the places. He enjoyed not alone the beautiful nature but with his friends and students. This study was done only with the poems and pictures, and the further study should be followed after visiting the sites to compare with the real landscape.