Assembly and Installation of RE 1/1 RPC for CMS/LHC
- 주제(키워드) RPC , CMS , LHC
- 발행기관 고려대학교 대학원
- 지도교수 홍병식
- 발행년도 2010
- 학위수여년월 2010. 2
- 학위구분 석사
- 학과 일반대학원 물리학과
- 세부전공 원자핵물리학전공
- 원문페이지 59 p
- 실제URI
- 본문언어 영어
- 제출원본 000045590632
The resistive plate chambers (RPC) are being used as the muon trigger system for the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The current endcap RPCs cover the pseudo-rapidity (η) from 0.9 to 1.6 , in the forward regions and CMS plans to extend the current forward RPC system to η = 2.1 near future. RE 1/1 RPCs of CMS will be located at the closest position to the collision vertex, and exposed to the highest dose rate. Therefore, the design of the RE 1/1 RPCs requires an extra attention, comparing to other forward RPCs, to overcome such a harsh environment. Furthermore, the RE 1/1 RPCs should be compact in size in order to fit in a small space available in the nose cone, so the structure needs to be dense and complex. In this thesis, we report the process for the development of the prototype and the assembly of RE 1/1 RPCs. In the end, we will also present the result from the cosmic ray test for the performance of RPCs and installation in the CMS detector system.
1 Introduction 1
2 Principle and Motivation 4
2.1 Principle of RPCs 4
2.2 CMS requirements for RPCs 4
2.3 Project of the RE 1/1 RPCs 6
3 Assembly and Test 9
3.1 Design of RE 1/1 RPCs 10
3.1.1 Construction 10
3.1.2 Feature 14
3.2 Production of prototype of RE 1/1 RPCs 22
3.3 Assembly of RE 1/1 RPCs 27
3.4 Experimental setup for cosmic muon test 32
3.4.1 General setup 32
3.4.2 TDC setup 33
4 Cosmic test result 34
4.1 Strip occupancy 35
4.2 Efficiency 42
4.3 Dark current 43
5 Installation 44
6 Conclusion and Discussion 47