검색 상세

지각, 인지 및 행동 (Perception, Congnition and Action). 제8강 Experimental tasks & Behavioral measurements.

하인리히 불토프 (Heinrich Buelthoff, 고려대학교 뇌공학과)

  • 발표내용 In this course you will learn about important basic and current theories in the field of Perception, Congnition and Action. You will experience how scientists design experiments to test biologically motivated theories and discover how scientific thoeries evolve over time as s consequence of expperomental results. You will learn how to summarize, present, and critically discuss papers and how to design and analyze your awn perception experoment.
  • 발표년도 2012
  • 재생시간 1시간21분02초
  • 실제URI http://www.dcollection.net/handler/korea/000000086082
  • 본문언어 영어
  • 발표자료 http://dcollection.korea.ac.kr:8080/media/original/000000326731.mp4